Monday, November 16, 2009

the future of journalism

Personally, I never read anything from newspapers anymore. To me, it seems more convenient to read news stories from the internet. Newspapers don't give me the chance to read about everything I want. If I want to read about the events in India, I can say for a fact that I will not find any information about Indian politics in the Herald Leader. Also at the moment, reading articles online do not cost any money. As the amount of people subscribing to hard copies of newspapers lessens, there will be more employees working for online newspapers.

We are definitely creatures of habit and we do not want to see newspapers vanish but as technology becomes more advanced, it will be the only option for spreading news. People no longer have the excuse to say that they do not have access to the internet because everywhere you go, the internet is there somewhere.

Of course, there are disadvantages of having just online journalism. Right now, anyone can read articles for free which will eventually change. Not having hard newspaper copies is almost as if people are trying to take journalism as less serious. Topics covered are sometimes ignorant to their audience's responses. Articles online seem to be less researched than those in newspapers and if this continues, people will never receive the truth.

In short, journalism is changing in many ways for both the better a(if you would rather read articles online) and the worse because it seems that there is no other option.

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